I started a bit of sculpting some years ago. Stone carving. Using white marble. In Italy, Carrara, where else? Just for fun … (errr „fun“? T’is tough work, mate!)

The first experience in that direction was an intriguing one. I loved the challenge, hard work, challenging circumstances, an unbelievable slow progress. As somewhat typical for me I managed to keep focus, endured what obstacles came into way and succeeded to finalize my first stone. Brought it home. Being damn proud of that result.

My thoughts came back to that work from time to time. I tried to find a suitable place at home, soon I had to realize that the center of a city like Hamburg does not exactly offer itself for such stuff. Potential locations where either situated too much embedded in living quarters (tried, but backed away from starting a social war …), too far out for a regular work beside my profession (a two hour bike ride is great, _now and then_ …) or simply far too expensive for a past time of a few hours a month. So I participated in a few courses, experienced some drawbacks in the pandemic years, finally returned to Italy where such work is more common.

Today I share a small rental studio in the west of Hamburg with a like minded, experienced person. I finished three and a half stones (did I mention it is a slow progressing work and that I can invest only a few hours a month?). One of these is actually exhibited in a half public office floor in Alster City in Hamburg. YeeHaw.

I threw together a simple presentation of the stones. Have a look if you are interested: