arkascha on November 11th, 2015

Whilst searching for some other owncloud feature I just saw another mentioning of one of my old apps I implemented for owncloud, the „FluXX Compensator (Y)“:
5 recommended OwnCloud plugins
It’s a bit sad that I had to abandon those apps…

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A bit over two years ago I posted a description of my solution to simplify and automate the inclusion of those small tracking snippets that allow to analyse visitor impact and behavior on your web sites: Piwik tracking & snippet inclusion. Approach and solution are not specific in any way to the open source software Piwik I personally chose for this purpose. The same applies to comparable offers, namely the ever present google analytics which does exactly the same as Piwik, except that you obviously hand over all your private data to the big octopus too 🙁

Back then I described how to setup and configure an http server to automatically inject the snippet at the bottom of all delivered html documents requested from that server, regardless of which actual site (domain or host) has been requested. Now, more than two years later I wanted to apply that solution to further documents, which turned out to be a small challenge…

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As stated many many times I stopped maintaining „my“ ownCloud apps, those four little helpers you can add to your ownCloud installation to extend it with additional features. Back then designing, implementing and maintaining them was fun and allowed me to learn quite a lot about that type of web technology. The decision to stop contributing to the ownCloud project was a hard one, but it also was a correct one. Besides the fact that I simply could not invest that amount of time into this contribution is only one side of the reasons behind the decision. The bigger problem was lack of support I received and the insight that the core team and the company backing the project showed no motivation to address long known issues with their app store and support of 3rd party apps which made maintaining those apps a pain.
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arkascha on MĂ€rz 5th, 2014

Every once in a while when working on some software project you require some utilities and tools to test your approach. Usually when looking around you will find a wealth of options for such purposes, often even free software with all its advantages of being able to adapt and enhance it as required. So typically it is more a question of having to decide upon which one than of searching for it. But sometimes it turns out that your requirements are simply too narrow, too special to be fulfilled by some available solution. In such cases you either have to skip testing (rarely a good idea…), radically change your testing strategy, or you simply craft your own utility perfectly tailored to your needs.
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arkascha on Februar 23rd, 2014

Die Entwicklungen in der Ukraine haben wÀhrend der vergangenen Wochen oft die Tagesmeldung dominiert. Gerade erst zeigt sich erneut eine massive Bewegung und vielleicht auch Wende in diesem umstritten Land ab. Und auch wenn mein persönliches Interesse an den Entwicklungen eher privat motiviert ist, so denke ich doch, dass diese Entwicklungen insgesamt wichtig sind. Ich ahne, dass wir hier etwas beobachten, was noch sehr weite Kreise ziehen wird.

Die LĂ€mmer haben sich erhoben. Sie haben den Zaun nieder gerissen, sind ausgebĂŒchst. Was weiter?
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